

受付時間 9:25~11:30、13:55~16:15
休診 木午後・土午後・月・日祝
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  1. ホーム
  2. 医院ブログ
  3. こころの症状や病気
  4. その他の良くある病気
  5. 発達障害
  6. ADHD 多動 不注意 衝動性
  7. ADHDの子供や成人は肥満になりやすい?



Yes。 肥満 <原文>和訳は当ブログによる Association Between ADHD and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Psychiatry. 2016 Jan 1;173(1):34-43. OBJECTIVE: Impulsivity and inattention related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may increase food intake and, consequently, weight gain. However, findings on the association between obesity/overweight and ADHD are mixed. The authors conducted a meta-analysis to estimate this association. 衝動性と不注意はADHDに関連しており、食事摂取や体重増加につながる。メタアナリシスで関係を調べた。 METHOD: A broad range of databases was searched through Aug. 31, 2014. Unpublished studies were also obtained. Study quality was rated with the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Random-effects models were used. RESULTS: Forty-two studies that included a total of 728,136 individuals (48,161 ADHD subjects; 679,975 comparison subjects) were retained. A significant association between obesity and ADHD was found for both children (odds ratio=1.20, 95% CI=1.05-1.37) and adults (odds ratio=1.55, 95% CI=1.32-1.81). The pooled prevalence of obesity was increased by about 70% in adults with ADHD (28.2%, 95% CI=22.8-34.4) compared with those without ADHD (16.4%, 95% CI=13.4-19.9), and by about 40% in children with ADHD (10.3%, 95% CI=7.9-13.3) compared with those without ADHD (7.4%, 95% CI=5.4-10.1). The significant association between ADHD and obesity remained when limited to studies 1) reporting odds ratios adjusted for possible confounding factors; 2) diagnosing ADHD by direct interview; and 3) using directly measured height and weight. Gender, study setting, study country, and study quality did not moderate the association between obesity and ADHD. ADHD was also significantly associated with overweight. Individuals medicated for ADHD were not at higher risk of obesity. 42の研究を対象とし、解析した。子供で1.2倍、大人で1.55倍のオッズ比だった。子供で10.3%VS 7.4%、大人で28.2% VS 16.4%。性別、研究セッティング、国、研究の質を考慮しても関連は変わらなかった。薬物治療中のADHDの人は、肥満のリスクは高くなかった。 CONCLUSIONS: This study provides meta-analytic evidence for a significant association between ADHD and obesity/overweight. Further research should address possible underlying mechanisms and the long-term effects of ADHD treatments on weight in individuals with both ADHD and obesity. メタアナリシスをしてみるとADHDと肥満の関連は明らかだが、 今後は、そのメカニズム、また肥満かつADHDの人へ治療を行った場合、長期的な体重への効果がどうかについても調べるべきである。 <総評> ADHDの薬を飲むと、薬の効果で食欲が低下する方も結構いらっしゃいます 愛知県豊田市の心療内科 豊田土橋こころのクリニック 2016年8月開院

2016.04.02 | ADHD 多動 不注意 衝動性,こころの症状や病気,論文紹介,体の病気


